“Our patterns and stories, no matter how far back they go, can be surrendered and rewritten. You can walk away from them at any moment. Every choice can be a chance and every moment is a blank slate.”
– Elizabeth Benton
I’m not one to keep up with new releases and artists, and while I may recognize a song, I’m hard-pressed to come up with the name of the artist or the album (though I truly admire those who can).
When I’m in the car, I listen to podcasts. I love learning – specifically, learning about self-development, achieving goals, and improving the life we’re given.
Recently, I came across a podcaster named Elizabeth Benton. Elizabeth shares her wisdom on her podcast Primal Potential*, which just celebrated its 10th anniversary.
Ok, friends – mindblown. 🤯
As a wordy girl, I admire her ability to get right down to the core of the issues. I’ve worked hard on my personal goals throughout my life and I love the process of achieving them – however, there are just a few goals that elude me, and I’ve got the excuses to show for it – I’m too busy, time got away from me, my attention is needed somewhere else, I’ll start tomorrow . . . can you relate?
All of this to say: if you have goals you need to hit, Primal Potential is your ticket. Be ready.
Elizabeth’s positive changes in her life relate to weight loss and finances, but her concepts apply to any arena of life. She focuses on consistency and mindset, speaks from experience, challenges you on your internal narrative, and helps you recognize your progress.
If you are in a rut, Elizabeth won’t lift you out of it – she will teach you to improve your thinking and mindset, so you lift yourself out of it.
Deep self-care involves challenging our old ways of thinking and being honest with ourselves about how we can get where we want to go – no matter what that goal is.
As professional caregivers and service providers, we almost always put our needs last. Our workplaces constantly ask us to do more. Our family members need us for various reasons. When we end the day, we often can list what we’ve done for others, but we haven’t taken the focus off others for a moment.
(Are you doing what I often do, and thinking, “yeah, yeah, another talk on self-care?” Just checking. 😉 Until I got honest and started to make real change, this was a diversion tactic for me, another excuse to avoid addressing what I really needed).
What would your life look like if you started to focus on your needs for brief moments? If you stopped fooling ourselves into thinking you don’t have time, or you’re too tired, or you’ll start tomorrow? What if you proved yourself wrong and began with 30 seconds of honesty down to your core about what you really need to change or improve in your life?
I’m sharing this with you as a person who worked in hospice for 23 years, either at the bedside or supervising and supporting those who did. Compassion fatigue/burnout is real. It sneaks up and disguises itself as apathy, anger, frustration, and self-neglect. I promise you, this becomes a lifestyle, and the next thing you know, your physical and mental health are compromised.
We can make real and lasting changes in your life. It requires honesty with ourselves, and the Primal Potential podcast can help you get acquainted with your needs and your goals again. The podcast and its content are free, and it’s waiting for you here.
*I am not an affiliate of Primal Potential, just a big fan who has benefitted from the podcast and its content. 🌟